How to Draw Starlight for the Boys Amzon Prime

  1. #466

    Sutekh is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midvillian1322 View Post

    Loving the show though. Home lander is one of the best villains going right now. Dude is terrifying

    I saw the actor a few years ago in a show called Banshee, and he was *such* a different character, all gruff and stoic, I had no idea he could do such amazing crazyface with all the twitching and the rictus smiles. He just looks two seconds away from a complete psychotic meltdown, pretty much constantly. It's intense!

  2. #467

    The Cool Thatguy is online now

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post

    I saw the actor a few years ago in a show called Banshee, and he was *such* a different character, all gruff and stoic, I had no idea he could do such amazing crazyface with all the twitching and the rictus smiles. He just looks two seconds away from a complete psychotic meltdown, pretty much constantly. It's intense!

    He was just as good an actor there, just less opportunities to demonstrate it.

    I think that is a unique advantage of superhero shows, more diverse backgrounds for the characters

  3. #468

    numberthirty is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Cool Thatguy View Post

    He was just as good an actor there, just less opportunities to demonstrate it.

    I think that is a unique advantage of superhero shows, more diverse backgrounds for the characters


    Think back to before Banshee ...

    How many folks could even have told you that the guy was alive?

  4. #469

    Mark Trail is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midvillian1322 View Post

    Loving the show though. Home lander is one of the best villains going right now. Dude is terrifying

    Love the show and love Starr's performance in general but I don't think this season's storyline is doing him or Homelander any favors by making him so overtly and obviously psychotic in public settings. Part of what I loved about his performance was the way (especially in S1) he could turn on a dime from a Chris Reevish do gooder into a Heath Ledgerish psycho villain. It also raise the question if he's this overtly sinister why Vought considers him any sort of asset and hasn't already had, for example, Black Noir take him out.

  5. #470

    80sbaby is online now

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Trail View Post

    Love the show and love Starr's performance in general but I don't think this season's storyline is doing him or Homelander any favors by making him so overtly and obviously psychotic in public settings. Part of what I loved about his performance was the way (especially in S1) he could turn on a dime from a Chris Reevish do gooder into a Heath Ledgerish psycho villain. It also raise the question if he's this overtly sinister why Vought considers him any sort of asset and hasn't already had, for example, Black Noir take him out.

    Black Noir isn't the same on the show as in the comics, for one. Second, he's not actually harming Vought in any tangible way and is still proving useful. So they feel they still have some sort of control over the situation.

  6. #471

    j9ac9k is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Trail View Post

    Love the show and love Starr's performance in general but I don't think this season's storyline is doing him or Homelander any favors by making him so overtly and obviously psychotic in public settings. Part of what I loved about his performance was the way (especially in S1) he could turn on a dime from a Chris Reevish do gooder into a Heath Ledgerish psycho villain. It also raise the question if he's this overtly sinister why Vought considers him any sort of asset and hasn't already had, for example, Black Noir take him out.

    The answer lies in your definition of "overtly sinister." The show seems to be doing a Trump thing with him where his behavior actually raises his popularity with a lot of people which is why Edgar won't get rid of him. (interesting that when he's talking to the suicide girl, he says there is no god, only him in the sky but on stage he tells people to thank Christ for him. I don't think his speech would have gone over as well if he had expressed the first set of thoughts on air) I think it will be interesting to see a Homelander who is actually loved for being himself rather than pretending to be something else. He's only really seen that from Stormfront, and even then he eventually realized she saw something else in him that she wanted to see and not the real him.

    Homelander has always valued honesty, since he was lied to so often, which is why I think he went to talk to Butcher. Aside from him simply not having any friends, Butcher doesn't lie to him so in that moment, he'd rather talk to him than a sycophant. (this is assuming it wasn't all in Butcher's head)

    Seeing Ep3 end with "Homelight" makes me wonder if they're setting us up for the end of this season and we'll actually see the movie scene play out with Starlight and the Boys (and maybe even some of the 7) gathered against Homelander with Starlight delivering the "breakup" line from the fake trailer. Similar to how the "Girls get it done" scene in their movie played out in last season's finale.

    Last edited by j9ac9k; 06-06-2022 at 01:02 PM.

  7. #472

    Bunch of Coconuts is online now

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    That um....10(?) minute mark in episode 1? that in the comics?

  8. #473

    numberthirty is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunch of Coconuts View Post

    That um....10(?) minute mark in episode 1? that in the comics?

    Straight talk...

    Everything that they are ever going to do on this show will look like an episode of The Adventures Of Paddington Bear compared to the comics.

  9. #474

    The Cool Thatguy is online now

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    Quote Originally Posted by numberthirty View Post

    Straight talk...

    Everything that they are ever going to do on this show will look like an episode of The Adventures Of Paddington Bear compared to the comics.

    Yeah, Ennis is tame compared to this show.

  10. #475

    j9ac9k is offline

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    I think the show is actually getting a bit repetitive with how they depict people exploding. It all seems the same, regardless if it's Termite expanding, Victoria's powers or Crimson Countess's fireballs.

    And how in the world was Crimson Countess accepted as a public hero when it seems all her power does is explode people in the most horrific way possible? How would she apprehend a purse snatcher?

    Last edited by j9ac9k; 06-12-2022 at 06:38 AM.

  11. #476

    Beantownbrown is offline

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  12. #477

    The Cool Thatguy is online now

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    Quote Originally Posted by j9ac9k View Post

    I think the show is actually getting a bit repetitive with how they depict people exploding. It all seems the same, regardless if it's Termite expanding, Victoria's powers or Crimson Countess's fireballs.

    And how in the world was Crimson Countess accepted as a public hero when it seems all her power does is explode people in the most horrific way possible? How would she apprehend a purse snatcher?

    It might just be that's one expression of her powers, though.

    That said, I dunno why they had such an issue confronting her. Other than hand blasts, she's just a regular human

  13. #478

    80sbaby is online now

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Cool Thatguy View Post

    It might just be that's one expression of her powers, though.

    That said, I dunno why they had such an issue confronting her. Other than hand blasts, she's just a regular human

    All the supers have enhanced durability and strength in addition to their extras (like hand blasts.)

  14. #479

    The Cool Thatguy is online now

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    Quote Originally Posted by 80sbaby View Post

    All the supers have enhanced durability and strength in addition to their extras (like hand blasts.)

    Was that established or assumed?

  15. #480

    Immortal Weapon is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Cool Thatguy View Post

    Was that established or assumed?

    That's how it worked in the comic. That doesn't seem to apply to all supers on the show. A-train, The Deep and Lamp didn't show any above normal human strength.


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