Media Comicvine Uploads 3240 127339 111692 Captain Atom

Helm Atom and Major Force vs Thor

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Starscream M

Who wins?



Team should win, only Captain Atom is handled weird past DC at times. Sometimes they treat him as a High Herald on par with Superman (or at least a decent threat to him) and other times he gets jobbed out. I believe that Atom recently showed the ability to re-channel and absorb magical energy in his Action Comics back up back when Nightwing and Flamebird were on the championship, so that'south a plus for him.

Major Force is pretty much a dumbass, but he'due south powerful plenty to be a problem.


CA definitely has the power to tool Thor like a weak feeb, but only IF he's in his 'Monarch-ish' frame of heed. Sans that, Thor would likely come out on top more times than not -- Monarch bated, rarely ever does DC opt to do anything of note with CA.

MF could also exist potentially problematic for Thor -- he has hung with the likes of Kyle/Superman/Hal, after all. Sadly though, he besides gets frequently pwned by the mighty pens of DC staff.


Originally posted by Galan007
CA definitely has the power to tool Thor like a weak feeb, but only IF he'south in his 'Monarch-ish' frame of mind. Sans that, Thor would likely come up out on top more times than not -- Monarch bated, rarely ever does DC opt to do annihilation of notation with CA.

MF could as well be potentially problematic for Thor -- he has hung with the likes of Kyle/Superman/Hal, after all. Sadly though, he too gets frequently pwned past the mighty pens of DC staff.

Any expert websites/respect threads to read up on their powers/abilities? I detect it hard to believe ii guys that look that badass are jobbed out and so frequently big grin


CA has a good respect thread here. MF doesn't.

Starscream M

Originally posted by Galan007
CA has a adept respect thread here. MF doesn't. so what'south your take on this thread?


Force is likewise a massive dick who stuffed Kyle's girl into a fridge. sad Hell, he kills his own teammates.

and Galan is right. If CA stops dicking around and really goes all out.....well, then you get Monarch.


Originally posted by Starscream M
so what's your accept on this thread? If all parties are fighting in character, I'd become with Thor for the majority.

Starscream Chiliad

Originally posted by Galan007
If all parties are fighting in graphic symbol, I'd go with Thor for the bulk. even though information technology is ii against one?


Originally posted by Starscream M
even though it is ii against one? Most probable.

Like I said before, these 2 are watered downwardly so drastically that information technology's ridiculous.


team should win.

Silent Master

If everyone fights in character, Thor.


thor. never plant MF to be all that great--i'd beloved to hear reasons why he should be seen to a higher place high meta (i'd accept ironman over him, for case). atom has some good stuff but is pretty inconsistent. couldn't thor pretty easily rupture his suit? mjollnir would let him deal with the release of energy afterwards as well. meh, maybe i'g off-base of operations, only i think thor definitely takes it more than oftentimes than not.

psycho gundam

major force sucks balls


^ Pretty much. Granted MF does have a few good showings, but they definitely aren't enough to outweigh his plethora of low/mediocre showings.

Imo, Thor could simply use Mjolnir to absorb him (like to what Monarch did during BFB.)


Yeah I would remember Thor's energy absorption would be a real problem for CA.


Kyle easily owned MF once he stopped being scared.

I can't remember if he had some kind of powerup at the fourth dimension, though.


Originally posted by Newjak
Aye I would think Thor'due south energy absorption would exist a real trouble for CA.

Yeah, I hateful Atom tin't do that.


Originally posted by batdude123
Yep, I hateful Atom can't practice that. Aye simply ane is made out of and their main powers consist of free energy vs a God that doesn't have to rely on said energy powers.

I wonder which one would exist fighting the more uphill battle in that location. stick out tongue


Originally posted past Newjak
Yes but i is fabricated out of and their chief powers consist of energy vs a God that doesn't have to rely on said free energy powers.

I wonder which one would exist fighting the more uphill boxing at that place. stick out tongue

Atom doesn't have to "rely" on free energy blasts either.

Considering Thor is fighting two of them, I'd say he's fighting the more than "uphill battle" here.


Originally posted past batdude123
Atom doesn't have to "rely" on energy blasts either.

Considering Thor is fighting 2 of them, I'd say he's fighting the more "uphill battle" hither. Did I mention MF no. I mentioned that Thor'southward energy absorption powers could bear witness bad for CA considering one is more than adjust at fighting H2H then the other and CA'due south big card is generally energy based powers.

Plus I'k not hearing good things from MF in this thread stick out tongue


Originally posted by Newjak
Did I mention MF no. I mentioned that Thor's energy absorption powers could prove bad for CA considering one is more than adapt at fighting H2H then the other and CA's big card is generally energy based powers.

Plus I'm non hearing good things from MF in this thread stick out tongue

You're not going to come across me say either one of these ii would trounce Thor by themselves.

Hell, I had a battlezone match where I represented Thor against Captain Atom.


Originally posted by batdude123
You're not going to meet me say either one of these two would beat Thor by themselves.

Hell, I had a battlezone match where I represented Thor confronting Captain Atom. I know y'all did.

And did you notice I didn't say who would win. I merely said I think Thor's energy Absorption powers could prove hard for CA to overcome. Which I meant. stick out tongue

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