Newborn Babies Life in One Year 8 Month Baby

You will be offered regular health and development reviews (wellness visitor checks) for your baby until they are 2. These are to back up you and your baby, and make sure their development is on track.

The reviews are unremarkably done by a health visitor or a fellow member of their squad. They may be done in your abode or at a GP surgery, baby dispensary or children's centre.

It'due south helpful, where possible, for both parents to attend. This gives you both a hazard to enquire questions and talk about whatsoever concerns y'all accept.

The personal child health record (red volume)

A personal child health record, or red book

Shortly before or later your baby is born, you'll be given a personal child wellness tape (PCHR). This usually has a cerise comprehend and is known every bit the "red book".

It's a good idea to take your babe's cherry book with you every time y'all visit the baby dispensary or GP.

They will use information technology to tape your child's weight and height, vaccinations and other important data.

Yous can also add information to the crimson volume yourself. You lot may want to tape any illnesses or accidents your baby has, or any medicines they take.

Yous'll find it helpful to go along the developmental milestones section of the crimson book up to date also.

What happens at your babe's reviews

During your baby'due south reviews your health visitor will discuss your baby'due south health and development, and enquire if y'all have any concerns.

If your baby is gaining weight and you and your health visitor accept no concerns, they should be weighed no more than:

  • in one case a calendar month up to 6 months of historic period
  • in one case every 2 months from vi to 12 months of age
  • once every 3 months over the historic period of 12 months

This gives a clear idea of your baby'due south weight gain over a period of fourth dimension.

Encounter how your babe's weight is monitored.

If your babe was built-in prematurely, their developmental age will be calculated from your original due engagement, non from the actual date they were born, until they are 2 years old.

The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-iii)

Your health visiting team will send you a questionnaire, known as the "Ages and Stages Questionnaire" or ASQ-3, to fill in before your child's 9 to 12-month and 2-year development reviews.

This allows you to try out some of the activities covered past the questionnaire with your baby at dwelling house, where they are comfortable and in familiar surround.

When your baby volition take their reviews

Your baby will unremarkably take reviews at the ages we talk about on this page. If yous have whatsoever concerns at other times, you lot can contact a health visitor or GP, or go to your local baby clinic.

Soon later birth

Your babe volition be weighed at nascence and once again during their first week. They volition too have a thorough concrete examination inside 72 hours of beingness born. A health professional person will usually check your baby's eyes, heart, hips and – for infant boys – testicles.

Read more about the newborn concrete test.

At 5 and 8 days sometime your babe will have a claret spot (heel prick) test that screens for several rare diseases, including cystic fibrosis and sickle cell illness. This is ordinarily done by the midwife.

Find out more nearly the newborn blood spot (heel prick) test.

Your baby will besides have a hearing test soon subsequently birth. If you lot take your baby in hospital, this may happen before you lot get out. Otherwise, it volition be done some time in the first few weeks in your home, at an outpatient clinic, or at your local health centre.

Find out more about the newborn hearing examination.

A midwife and wellness visitor will besides support you with breastfeeding, caring for your new baby, adjusting to life as a new parent.

1 to 2 weeks

A wellness visitor will do a new baby review within 10 to 14 days of the nascence.

They can give you advice on:

  • safe sleeping
  • vaccinations
  • feeding your infant (breastfeeding and bottle feeding)
  • adjusting to life every bit a new parent
  • your baby'southward development

half-dozen to eight weeks

Your baby will be invited for a thorough physical test. This is usually done by a GP.

Your baby'south eyes, heart, hips and – for boys – testicles will be checked. They'll besides have their weight, length and head circumference measured.

A GP or wellness company volition talk over your baby's vaccinations with you. These are offered at eight weeks, 12 weeks, sixteen weeks and 12 months onetime, and before your child starts school.

They'll also ask you lot how you've been feeling emotionally and physically since the nascency of your babe.

9 to 12 months

During this time, your babe should be offered some other review looking at, among other things, language and learning, safe, nutrition and behaviour.

This is unremarkably done past a member of your wellness visiting team. Information technology's an opportunity for you to talk over whatever concerns you may have.

Your wellness visiting squad volition send yous an ASQ-3 questionnaire to fill in before the review. This helps y'all and your health company empathise how your baby is developing.

Do not worry if you cannot make full in the whole questionnaire – a wellness visitor will help you lot complete it.

ii to 2-and-a-half years

At 2 to 2-and-a-one-half years your child volition have some other health and development review. Information technology's all-time if you and your partner can both be there.

This is usually done by a nursery nurse or health visitor, and may happen at your habitation, baby dispensary or the children's centre.

If your child has started going to nursery, playgroup or a childminder, the review may be washed in that location. Yous, a health visitor, keyworker or childminder volition all do the review together.

You'll be sent an ASQ-3 questionnaire about your baby's evolution to fill in before the review. A health company, keyworker or childminder tin help you with this.

This review volition cover:

  • general evolution, including movement, speech, social skills and behaviour, and hearing and vision
  • growth, healthy eating and keeping active
  • managing behaviour and encouraging good sleeping habits
  • tooth brushing and going to the dentist
  • keeping your child rubber
  • vaccinations

Video: what does a health company do?

In this video, a health visitor explains the role of health visitors and the support they offer to new parents.

Media last reviewed: 5 April 2020
Media review due: 5 April 2023


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